God’s Abilities.

Do we really believe the verses from Isaiah that God’s thoughts and ways are higher than ours? Do we truly believe Matthew’s declaration that anything IS possible with God? Do we honestly believe that we can do ALL things through Christ? Or that He can do exceedingly abundantly above all that we ask or think as we’re told in Ephesians?

In the church as a whole, I fear we say yes out of habit. We know what the “right” answers are, so it’s just rhetoric. It’s not reality. Instead, we focus on our resumé. What we have accomplished, our skills, talents, and education, and we leave God out of the equation.

Sometimes the Lord wants to make these truths real to us. He calls us to do something for Him that is beyond our abilities. This is a huge step of faith and obedience and we have two choices: to say yes or no to God. Those are the only options we really have. To say yes or to say no. 

I’m sure most of us would love to think we’d say yes to God. After all, we’ve seen Him answer prayer and provide and come through for us before. Why would this time be any different? Yet, that’s not always the case, is it?

Friend, I’d like to remind you that God hasn’t called you to be comfortable. Rather He has called you to be committed to Him. That’s what the Christian life is about. Being a follower of Christ. 

There’s an old hymn I love that simply says: “Follow, follow, I will follow Jesus! Anywhere, ev’rywhere, I will follow on; Follow, follow, I will follow Jesus! Ev’rywhere He leads me I will follow on.” Is that true for you? 

Surrendering to the Lord isn’t a one time thing. We must make sure we are staying surrendered to Him and His will.

I want to be an encouragement to you, so I’ll share some of my story. 

As some of you know, I was a homeschool mom for five and a half years. In the fall of 2020, God began to burden my heart for teen girls. We have a girls home at our church. These are teen girls that had been in various situations at home and their parents felt they needed a change of scenery and authority. God led me to be their teacher. They are in different grades, some are behind for different reasons, etc. so this isn’t a traditional classroom setting, which adds to the responsibility.

Now, mind you, I’d been home with my children for over five years. Going to work, sending my kids to school, having a set schedule, would all be big changes for us. My children are 4 and 12. I don’t know a thing about teen girls. I just knew God was calling me to this ministry. He didn’t share any details beforehand. I just had to trust Him.

 So, just like you, I had a choice to make. I could’ve easily said no to God because, clearly, I am not qualified for this job and my comfort zone is at home with my kids. 

When I told my husband that I felt burdened for the girls, He agreed that I should do something. I initially thought I should just volunteer more. I could have them in the evenings and weekends. Just spending time with them. That easily fit into my life. However, God wasn’t satisfied with that. He wanted more. He had a perfect plan for me, my family, and these girls. A plan far bigger than what I could see from my very limited perspective.

Surrendering to His will will never be something you regret doing. Since I said yes to God, I have witnessed Him work and provide in our lives. From getting financially ready to put two kids in private school, to supplying a new to us vehicle, and giving me wisdom and a relationship with the girls. Do you know how hard it is to win a teenager’s heart? It’s not easy. But I assure you God is able!

Don’t miss out on the miracles and blessings of God because you’re too afraid to get out of your comfort zone, because things don’t add up, or because you think you’re unqualified. 

Just trust the Lord. 

He loves you. 

He has a perfect plan. 

He sees the bigger picture. 

He will not lead you astray. 

With Hope in His Service


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