
Welcome to in the midst!

I am so thankful you are here and you have taken the time to visit my blog. I hope it is a blessing and encouragement to you!

A few things about me:

I am Heather, owner and creator of in the midst. I was saved as a teenager in the church that we now attend as a family. I live in southeast Tennessee with my husband and two children. My husband and I have been married since September 2008. We have had the privilege of watching God work and lead in our lives. We are far from perfect, but God is not looking for perfect people to serve Him. Thankfully! We have a local home church where we get to raise our children and have them under sound gospel preaching.
I am a homeschool mama. I enjoy reading when I have the time, which is hard to find these days. Writing, studying God’s Word, and spending time with my family are where my time goes outside of homeschooling and church. I love medical shows, coffee, dark chocolate, elephants, and hotels.

God gave me a desire in 2014 to share His plan for marriage with other ladies. At that time we had just moved to Colorado Springs, Colorado. There were a few families we had known that were either facing or going through divorce and it broke my heart. He has burdened my heart with the importance of marriage. So many people are not even aware that God has a plan for their marriage and that He wants to be involved, that He cares for their marriage specifically. My hope is to share that truth, God’s plan, with as many people as possible. Marriage is a good thing! God’s desire is for your marriage to be a joyful union that reflects His love to the world.

Matthew 10:9 KJV “What therefore God hath joined together, let not man put asunder.”