Are You Willing to Get Your Hands Dirty?

Are you willing to get your hands dirty for the sake of someone else?

Jesus did. 

I can’t get over these two accounts:

The woman with the issue of blood was considered unclean, and when she touched Jesus, by the law of the day, He would’ve been unclean, too. 

The lepers that Jesus touched would’ve also made Him unclean by the standards of the law. 

But He didn’t let that stop Him from helping, from healing.

In that day, these people were outcasts. Almost not human. They weren’t allowed to be near people, live with their families, or worship in the local synagogue. But that didn’t stop the Saviour. He could have healed them from a distance, but He chose to touch them.

He didn’t let the possibility of getting His reputation dirty when He stopped and spoke to the Samaritan woman at the well. Jews and Samaritans didn’t mix in those days. But that didn’t stop Jesus. He didn’t care what anyone would think. He saw her, her need for Living Water, and He went. Without hesitation. 

What is He asking you to do that will cause you to get involved and get your hands dirty?

Maybe it’s making a meal for a family.

Maybe it’s going to the new mom in the church and offering to clean the house, bring coffee, pick up groceries, or rock the baby so she can shower. 

Maybe it’s serving in a new ministry.

I don’t know where God is calling you. 

But His business is people. And this gets our hands dirty. 

Jesus did not stop before walking the dusty roads of Galilee to minister to the people. He didn’t hesitate at the beginning of the walk to Calvary. He stayed while the filth of your sin and mine were laid upon Him. He didn’t say no to the dirt of the cross as He hung there all afternoon as a sweaty and bloody mess. 

He took it all so we could be saved. 

What is God calling you to do?

Vessels that are just for decoration are beautiful. But they’re never dirty, never used in service. Don’t be a display-only Christian. Be willing to be used by the Master. Be willing to be inconvenienced and interrupted. Be willing to be a blessing and encouragement. Get involved. 

Trust the Lord with whatever it is He is calling you to do.

Stay in the Word, stay close to the Shepherd, and let Him lead you in paths of righteousness. 

With Hope in His Service,


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