I Am Not Missing Out, And Neither Are You

Dear Homeschool Mama,

I see you. I know the indecisiveness and worry over curriculum, grades, struggles, extra-curriculars, trying to be a good wife, and maintaining your home. 

 It’s a lot. Anyone that says we have it easy has obviously never done this.

This year is my 8th year of homeschooling. Something I never thought I would do. We are still learning and adjusting. We evaluate things every summer to see if what we are doing is still what God has for us. Homeschooling in general, the curriculum, and being parent-led. 

So, with eight years of experience, I want you to know a few things:

-Stop comparing your homeschool to everyone else’s. God didn’t call you to walk their walk or educate their kids. That is okay! Our homeschool style probably doesn’t even have a name. We use an all-in-one curriculum. We don’t do every single assignment, we take days off for no reason, and we don’t do book reports and projects. I’m not a “fun” homeschool mom. 

But I see the same social media posts as you do. Moms with their kiddos dressed up for career day, going on field trips, doing projects, and other activities. 

Those things are fun and just fine if that’s what God calls you to do.

Your kids are not missing out and neither are you. 

You can join a co-op, you can have days like that for yourselves just because, but if not, that is okay. You are not missing out. 

You are not missing seeing them learn to read and count. You are not missing when the lightbulb comes on and fractions suddenly make sense. You are not missing anything. 

You get to see every step of the learning process. You get to see every struggle and question your student has that may be missed or even ignored by others. There’s no falling through the cracks in homeschooling. You are there. 

-There are going to be hard days. That does not mean you have made a mistake. It means you and your kids are human. 

-You must learn to live in grace. Grace for you and your kids. Life will happen. Your schedule will get interrupted. It’s okay. Just do what you can and move on. 

-Do not stress out about following public school schedules. You do not have to take the same breaks, you do not have to do school from 8-3. This is whatever you want it to be. There have been times that we have done school on Saturday. Some years we do school into June and even July. 

-Cherish these days. All too quickly your kiddos will be graduating. You do not want to look back and see that your days were full of stress and arguing. I assure you, it is easy to get worked up about getting every detail done and staying “on track”, but this is not more important than your relationship with your kids. You have the privilege of being there every day. Remember the blessing this is and ask God to help you be present and enjoy it. 

-If you are a seasoned homeschool mom, I urge you to not grow weary in well-doing. I know we’re nearing the end of October and we’re getting settled into our routines, but the kids can see the upcoming holidays and festivities on the horizon. Your days are about to get busier. Keep going. Don’t let the busyness make you grumpy and stressed. One day at a time, always as unto the Lord.

Your children, husband, and home are not distractions from more important things nor are they inconveniences and burdens. 

You are not missing out on anything by staying home with your children. They are not missing out on anything by being homeschooled. Do not listen to the lies of Satan or your own fears. Turn those thoughts over to God and choose to trust Him and His calling on your life. 

Stay in the Word, stay close to the Shepherd, and let Him lead you in paths of righteousness.

With Hope in His Service,


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