Fight for the Promise

In Exodus chapter 12 we see Miriam’s complaint and God’s response. He very quickly, publicly, and obviously responded by giving her leprosy. This was visible to everyone and affected everyone. Their journey was put on pause for 7 whole days while they waited for her to be put out of the camp and be pronounced clean. Everyone was waiting. Everyone saw God do this. 

In chapter 13 we see the 12 men go out to view the land as God commands. Many of us know this story and how 10 spies were bad and 2 were good based on their reports. The men were intimidated by the Amalekites and decided there was no way the Israelites would be successful in taking this land. This report discourages the whole camp. This shows the power of our words and attitudes. 

Chapter 14 starts with the group being discouraged and complaining. The entire congregation is focused on the negative report of 10 men and disregarding the positive report of the other 2. I understand that our natural reaction is to take the more prevalent opinion. The Bible teaches there is safety in the multitude of counselors. However, there is a small problem with this counsel. These 10 men and the rest of the congregation are not thinking about the promise of God regarding this land. They are only thinking humanly. Let me remind you that our view, thoughts, and opinions are very limited compared to God’s view of things! If He said He will do it, we must trust that He will, regardless of obstacles that are in the way. 

Their reply to the news? To complain. Did they forget what happened to Miriam when she complained? Before you’re too hard on them, remember that we are often the same way. Making the same mistake more than once, not heeding the advice of others, and plainly going against the counsel of God just to complain when it doesn’t work out as we hoped. You and I are stubborn, too. 

I would like to remind you that God never told them it would be a journey free of trouble. He also has not told us that our lives would be free of trials. Trials do not discount the promise of God! Them having to fight the Amalekites wasn’t a sign that God changed His mind about giving them the land. It just meant they would have to work a little for it. The same is true for us. God gives us promises, but sometimes we have a part to do to see this come to pass. Maybe you have to pray, and keep on praying, maybe you have to break habits, or give up addictions or relationships. I don’t know what God is asking you to do. I just want to tell you to do it. Don’t miss out on the promise and blessings of God just because you don’t want to fight for it. 

The Israelites complained and said they would rather have died in Egypt or die now than deal with this. Is that really our attitude toward God? Would we rather be dead than have to face a trial before getting to the promise? I sure hope not. We must remember that trials are temporary! It is okay to have to work through the obstacles to get to the promise!

In verse 3 we see them starting to blame God and asking if He brought them out here to die. Now they’ve changed their tune a bit and would rather be in bondage in Egypt instead. Friend, please do not ever wish you were in bondage instead of walking with God. Being a Christian is not always easy and sometimes God asks or allows things that we do not understand. But I promise you, this is the safest and best place to be: in His will. Going back to your sin and old life will not be what you think. It was not happier or easier back there. This is a lie of Satan. Don’t fall for the deception. 

In verse 5 the men of God are praying. They are troubled. They need God to intervene. 

In verses 6-9 we see Joshua and Caleb trying to talk to the people, trying to encourage them, but their message is falling on deaf ears. 

In verse 10 it is obvious that the people are so angry that they want to stone Joshua and Caleb! Can you imagine being so angry at someone who is trying to encourage you that you want to kill them? They are fearful. Fear and anger cloud your judgment. 

Next, we see God break through the chaos and He brings a new promise. All the people that are 20 years old and over that spoke against Him will not see the promised land. Their fear and doubt led to complaining and speaking foolishly against God. As a result, they will spend the rest of their lives wandering in this wilderness. They lost the blessing. Their complaining didn’t only affect them, though. Everyone is affected. Everyone has to wander for the next 40 years until those that complained die. This is the same for all of our choices. Our family, friends, and others will be affected to some degree by the choices we make. 

In verse 40 we see situational repentance. This is being sorry they got caught rather than being sorry they sinned. They wanted to fix the situation and not have those consequences. They weren’t really sorry for their behavior. 

Verses 41-45 show us that they did not listen to Moses, they took things into their own hands, and continued in disobedience. They chose to go to war before God told them to go. The result? They were killed in that battle. The same is true for us. As a result, we experience spiritual death and separation from God, and sometimes even physical death. God will not let His children live in disobedience for long. Again, others were affected. Men died in battle leaving women without husbands and children without fathers. 

Our choices are not isolated only to us. 

Choose to walk in faith and obedience. 

Don’t quit because there’s an obstacle. Fight for the promise.

Stay in the Word, stay close to the Shepherd, and let Him lead you in paths of righteousness. 

With Hope in His Service,


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