Praise & Personal Update

    I just want to take a minute to share what God has done. A personal update and a praise. If you follow my Instagram or YouTube, you already know about this, but I wanted to share it here, too. 

    My husband encouraged me to start this blog about 4 years ago. I was hesitant. I didn’t really know if anyone would read what I wrote. My Instagram was growing, questions were coming in, discussions were happening in the comments, and it was becoming a great community. My husband’s advice was to start the blog and just share what I was putting on Instagram, but here I would be able to go into greater detail on things. After putting it off for a bit, I finally started it, and here we are. 

    Through this avenue of writing, sharing my heart, and the things God shows me from Scripture, I began writing another post on marriage one day. I felt like God was giving me the title of “Is Your Marriage a Priority?” He was showing me the importance of marriage, the ways we, as a society, put our marriages on the back burner, and ways to rekindle that spark we once had. If you have read much of anything from me, you know God has given me a burden specifically for biblical marriage. As I wrote, He just kept bringing things to my mind. I try to keep my blog posts fairly short, but the more I sat at my computer, the more I wrote, and the longer it got. I tried to edit it to make it shorter but still effective, and I just couldn’t take anything out. 

    I kept writing off and on for over two years on that topic. God developed it into a whole book! I have always loved to read and write. As a little girl, I had a dream of being a published author but never really thought it would happen. But as you see, great things can happen when you give God the pen! He allowed me to write the book, design the cover, and self-publish it. During that time He brought other Christian authors into my life, for which I will always be grateful. He let me become friends with these great people and they were kind enough to offer advice and encouragement along the way. I am so thankful God allowed me to write this to help others apply His principles to their lives.

    If you feel God is calling you to do something, trust Him. Let Him lead and use you to further His kingdom. 

    With Hope in His Service,


The link to the book: Is Your Marriage a Priority?

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