4 Keys to Being a Godly Wife

Scripture gives a good number of commands and boundaries for being a godly woman and wife. But I would like to break these down into 4 very simple steps for you. This is not an all inclusive list, but it will make a difference and get you to a place of allowing God to work in your life and marriage. God never intended His Word to be inapplicable or unachievable for us. His Word is meant to help us right where we are. I hope these 4very simple truths encourage you and help you to grow closer to God and your husband. Apply these today, make a habit of them every day, and see what God will do in your life and marriage.

  1. Be filled with the Holy Spirit. Ephesians 5:18.

You must first be saved. If you are not a Christian, a born-again child of God, then you do not have the Holy Spirit living inside of you. Once you accept Jesus as your Saviour, the Holy Spirit comes to live inside your heart right away. You need Him to be the wife God wants you to be. The Holy Spirit is the One that helps us to pray, understand Scripture, and prompts us to do or stop doing something so that we live and act in accordance with Scripture. We need His prompting and leading!

  1. Change your thinking. 1 Corinthians 10:31 and Ephesians 6:6.

You are serving the Lord through your marriage just as much as you are serving Him in the choir, nursery, or teaching a Sunday School class. Your marriage is a ministry and should be done as unto and for the Lord Jesus Christ. With joy, love, and a willing heart.

  1. Pray, pray, pray. 1 Thessalonians 5:17, James 5, Matthew 26:41. 

You must be a woman of prayer. You must be meeting with God, getting strength and wisdom from Him, and seeking His face every day. Prayer is how we get to learn more of God, how He changes us, and yes, how He may even change your husband. We must be taking the time to get alone with God. We miss so much because we do not have that place and time of prayer. It is vital! God did not speak so much about prayer for us to disregard it or treat it as something optional.

  1. Fast. Matthew 17:21. Jesus spoke about fasting while He was on Earth. We see the importance of it, and how some things we face will require prayer and fasting. Fasting leads us deeper with the Lord. It brings a new level of dependence on Him; in times of trial, that is exactly what we need. This can be done privately or you and your husband can fast together. Just follow the Lord’s leading. Fasting may also be needed when your husband is facing something. Sometimes God leads us to fast on behalf of others. Be thankful for the opportunity to intercede on your husband’s behalf, even if you do not enjoy fasting, or know why God is asking you to do it.

I hope these simple truths help you to go deeper with the Lord and closer to your husband.

Stay in the Word, stay close to the Shepherd, and let Him lead you in paths of righteousness.

With Hope in His Service,


2 thoughts on “4 Keys to Being a Godly Wife

  1. Wow! I’ve just discovered now that you have a blog too, I have been following you on instagram. The Lord is using you in such an amazing way. I have grown spiritually just from reading your insta posts, I’m so excited to have discovered your blog too, thank you for choosing to serve God. May the good Lord bless and increase you.

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