Why are You Coming to Jesus?

In every account of the gospels, we see Jesus healing, feeding, and raising the dead. Miracle after miracle. 

There were hundreds of witnesses to many of these, yet we aren’t told that they followed Jesus or got saved. They were spectators. Watching from a distance. Seeing the miracles but not getting involved in them. 

Today, too many people are still doing the same thing. 

Someone that isn’t in church or may not even be saved wants a Christian friend to pray for them or maybe they try praying for themselves. Maybe that person is you. Wanting the miracle, the touch of God, His direction, His provision, but not wanting to get any closer. 

Wanting the miracle without any commitment or disruptions to your life. 

We all know being a Christian is just a list of dos and don’ts. We don’t really need that part of Jesus. Just the miracles. 

Jesus met so many physical and emotional needs.

But He also met spiritual needs. He preached the truth. He gave them the gospel. That was their greatest need of all. Jesus often met the other needs so He could meet the spiritual needs. You have spiritual needs. We all do. 

Jesus isn’t a genie that you can call on to meet the health, financial, and emotional needs of your life when it’s convenient and there’s nowhere else to turn. 

He desires to meet the spiritual needs of your life more than anything. Because those are needs, not wants, not opinion, but real needs. 

When you go to that friend or family member for advice or prayer and they start pulling out the Bible, how do you react? Is that the part of Jesus you try to avoid?

Listen, no one likes being told they’re wrong, they need to change, or what they’re doing isn’t working. But we need to hear that sometimes. 

This is how we grow and mature and stop making the same dumb mistakes over and over. 

Jesus preached. Jesus taught. Always in love. Always for the benefit of the hearers. 

We have the Bible today for our benefit. We need it. 

The Bible is literally God’s Word. A love letter to you and me. 

The Christain life is not just a list of rules. That is a lie from Satan, and it’s what we use to justify not living according to the standards God set. We like to do our own thing our own way, but come back to God for Him to clean up the mess we make. 

Wouldn’t it just be easier to do it His way to begin with?

Do you ever drive along a curvy mountain road and get angry because there’s a guardrail in place? Do you resent the boundary it sets? The protection it offers?

Probably not. 

God’s Word is a lot like that guardrail. 

You can ignore it and act like it’s not there. You can drive through it, flying down the side of the mountain. Or you can be thankful it’s there and stay on the road. It’s your choice. You have the freedom and physical ability to do whichever one you want. 

But every choice has a consequence, and you are not free to choose the consequences of your actions. 

Seek Jesus for Who He is. 

He loves you, wants a relationship with you, wants to save your soul from Hell, wants you to live in Heaven with Him forever, and wants you to experience joy, peace, and abundant life right now. 

Will you trust Him?

Will you listen to the teaching and preaching of Jesus rather than just seeking the miracles?

Stay in the Word, stay close to the Shepherd, and let Him lead you in paths of righteousness.

With Hope in His Service, 


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